I've been a wellness coach for 20 years. In that time frame, I have seen the craziest diets! From the apple cider vinegar diet to the starve yourself plan. I even tried them, just to be informed about how l felt while doing them. Diets don't work! We all know that, we just keep telling ourselves that this time it will make me lose that 30 lbs in one month. The Atkins/keto diet causes your liver to cry from all that fat. (And your skin will breakout like your 15 again). The weight watchers plan will have you counting points while you eat that candy bar 🤪. The raw food diet makes the you crave fast food. Let's be honest, none of these diets are maintainable.
So, what do we do?
In today's society, food has been simplified for us. In boxes, plastic containers, out of a brown bag from a fast food restaurant and so on. We don't forage the earth for sustanence. We go to the store and shop the frozen section, order pizza, get McDonald's delivered! You (and I) are not going to stop eating those delicious processed flavors! So, let's work with them instead of craving them. Eat it! BUT, and here it is, eat smaller amounts of it in one sitting. Give the stomach a little breathing room. Then, once you've adjusted to eating smaller amounts of the not so good stuff, you can start to add in the good stuff.
Set up a meeting with me and let's go over what you want from the food in your life. Wellness Coaching might just be the cheat that works for you.
Kelli's Mind, Body & Spirit Consulting